A US non-profit corporation under
IRS section 501(c)(3). All donations
are tax deductible from US income tax.
Program Details
The Bel Canto Institute San Miguel is aimed at young professional opera singers with major career potential. The program will focus primarily on Mexican singers, but all singers are welcome to apply. From the applications we will choose 10-14 singers to invite to the program.
An intensive two-week session during the summer consisting of daily voice lessons, vocal coaching, dramatic coaching, bodywork sessions, lyric diction classes, and life coaching. Daily Master Classes and two main concerts: Opera Concert and a Cabaret Dinner featuring lighter music. This session will be taught by an eight person faculty of highly-acclaimed professionals.​
Beyond the sessions above, the leadership and faculty of the Bel Canto Institute take personal interest in the singers and our interest in helping, mentoring, and monitoring the professional progress of each singer, goes far beyond the confines of the program. We want every singer to succeed as much as possible. Bel Canto singer alumni may be invited to perform in recitals and concerts outside of the Bel Canto Institute's program.
We believe in the power of our work to transform the lives of those who participate.